PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

prezmanifest 0.5.0 A Python package that provides a series of functions to work with Prez Manifests. 2025-01-26 13:21:52
labelify 0.4.0 Analyse an RDF graph to find URI's without human readable labels. 2025-01-09 06:52:02
owlrl 7.1.2 A simple implementation of the OWL2 RL Profile, as well as a basic RDFS inference, on top of RDFLib. Based mechanical forward chaining. 2024-10-31 04:20:12
pylode 3.2.0 An OWL ontology documentation tool using Python, based on LODE. 2024-07-26 14:39:44
geosparqllib 0.1.4 A Python functions library for working with GeoSPARQL data 2024-07-02 13:32:07
Nicholas Car
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